Friday, March 20, 2020

3 Things You Need To Know About That Fast Food Franchise Down The Street In Times Like These

New Post From The Franchise King®

fast food franchises

March 20, 2020

This sucks. And the “not knowing” is the hardest part.

How soon will the coronavirus invade your neighborhood?

Will it creep in or burst in?

Are you going to be cooped up inside for a month or more?

Can the Federal Government help?

Those are just a few of the questions all of us are asking ourselves this first…er…second day of Spring, 2020.

So why do I want to talk to you about your neighborhood fast food franchises now?

Because there’s stuff you need to know about them. Important stuff, especially in times like these.


Fast Food Franchises: 3 Things You Need To Know Now

1. As of this writing, fast food restaurants have been allowed to remain open.

This is good news, because if it gets to the point where we need to stay home-except to get food and gas, having drive-thru’s open at fast food franchises near you will be a good thing. In addition, if you have a Smartphone and an App, you can get your food delivered.

2. The fast food franchise down the street from you is not owned by a corporation.

Contrary to what you may have read in an article or have seen on a video, 9 times out of 10, one of your neighbors probably owns the Taco Bell or McDonald’s located down the road a piece.

Again, almost all of the fast food franchises in your area are owned by someone who risked his or her own money to be in business for themselves.

3. See #2.


Here’s My Point

I want you to buy some of your food at a fast food franchise near you.

Because by doing so, you’re helping a small business owner stay in business.

This owner…this franchisee, employs dozens of high school kids who live near you.

In addition, the fast food franchise down the street from your house business pays local taxes.

And while it’s true that (in most cases) the food served in fast food restaurants isn’t exactly healthy, it’s an option that can’t be ignored in times like these.

So spend some money at your local fast food franchise.



The post 3 Things You Need To Know About That Fast Food Franchise Down The Street In Times Like These appeared first on Best Franchise To Own | The Franchise King®.

Originally posted on 3 Things You Need To Know About That Fast Food Franchise Down The Street In Times Like These via Starting a Franchise Information

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